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Fall 2024 Auditions

15 minEmmanuel Episcopal Church

Service Description

Audition requirements: These audition slots are for any youth auditioning for Camp Rock, Mean Girls, or Bedtime Stories. 1. Please prepare a monologue no longer than one minute - It could be as short as a couple of lines. I want to see the students demonstrate they can memorize lines. It could be anything from a movie, play, musical, TV show. There are tons of free resources out there...Google away. Would recommend finding something that demonstrates an emotional range ***Note - never use a monologue or dialogue from the play for which you are auditioning*** 2. Students will be asked to do an improv scene on their own or with one of the directors. We will play an easy and well-known improv game that will be easy to pick up for improv beginners. 3. Students will cold read some dialogue with the directors from Alice in Wonderland. ***Note - if your child has a reading disability or is still a developing reader, please let us know in advance. We will skip that part or send you a page of dialogue to practice before the audition. 4. If you are auditioning for a musical prepare a song (or part of a song). Choose something that accurately demonstrates your range and tells a good story. We want to see a character singing. If time is an issue, if we may stop the song in the middle. This means we have heard what we need and isn't a reflection of the performance. You can sing a cappella or send us a track at least a day ahead of time. If you are auditioning for more than one production, you will only need to audition once!

Contact Details

  • Emmanuel Episcopal Church

    303 North Main Street, Bel Air, MD, USA

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